Start your day by collecting your electric bikes from Corsica EBike and get ready to explore the splendid Cavu Valley.
Pedal through the villages of Sainte-Lucie and Taddu Rossu, admiring the majestic mountains on your way to the entrance to the valley.
As the road narrows, you'll head deeper into the forest, past the A Tyroliana leisure centre, to reach A Ranuchjaghja. Here, you'll begin a 12km loop through the heart of the natural environment that characterises our beautiful commune of Zonza.
Get ready for an exhilarating half-day of sport and relaxation, lulled by the scents of the maquis. Take advantage of your return or breaks to cool off in the crystal-clear waters of the Cavu.
This route is carefully maintained by dedicated volunteers from theA Punta Bunifazinca association. For more information and to express your gratitude for their work, visit their website.
Remember that the Cavu Valley is a precious natural area. By visiting it, you assume certain responsibilities and risks. Be extremely careful about fires, respect other visitors and preserve the beauty of the environment.